Video Game Packaging

WAYPOINT, As a creative agency in Los Angeles, some of our past projects have included packaging design, whether it be for a press kit, collector’s edition box and even consumer products. Packaging design functions as the presentation of the item(s) inside and should deliver the brand in a desirable way that also enhances user experience/interaction. Clever and effective package design lures you into purchasing the product, whether the actual quality is up to par or not (at least for some people that’s the case). More specifically, video game packaging design stores all the physical contents of a PC or a console game usually made of paperboard or plastic.

Check out an example of a backer’s edition we did for Pillars of Eternity with a great collector’s box here.

It’s not really on the consumer/marketing side of packaging, but much thought was put into the how the items would be packaged in a way that makes sense/relates to the entire concept including the look, feel, size, material, and so on.