Product Photography

As a video game creative agency, like WAYPOINT,  one of the 4 key creative services we specialize in is collector’s editions such as press kits, giant statues, figurines, swag items, holograms, and much more. In order to promote and show clients the work we have done over the past few years, capturing really nice and clean shots of our projects is absolutely vital. This falls under commercial photography, where product photos are used to advertise. Some of the challenges in product photography may include good lighting, shadows (soft or hard, depending on you are going for), reflections, distortion, and overall consistency.

One of the first projects I had to do was to take photos of some collector’s items. Photography is actually a skill I still need work on, but after doing a couple of these photoshoots, I now feel much more comfortable with a DSLR than I was before. Lighting was definitely a difficulty I had along the way, but after doing more research and practice, I managed to take a some pretty successful shots. Below are just a couple I was pleased with in the end.