2D App Trailers

In the modern gaming landscape of bleeding edge, hyper-realistic 3D graphics, one may forget the beauty of flat imagery. Our Los Angeles creative agency, however, has not forgotten. One of our services on offer is the production of 2D motion graphic trailers. As simple as 2D may sound, it can be used to great effect with proper timing, color palette, visuals, and flourishes. Watch the 2D app trailer we created for Riddleverse:

Riddleverse, a game which is almost primarily conveyed through text, would not have been served well by a 3D trailer. We used the existing style of the product and expounded on it with snappy animations and relevant illustrations, resulting in a fun, informative, and concise introduction to the game. Could your project do with a 2D app trailer? Contact our California game marketing agency and we’ll help you sort it out.